• Do you worry more about being "nice" or "good" than you do about protecting or honoring yourself?


  • Do you say yes to things that go against your true beliefs and feelings out of fear of being rejected, abandoned or judged?

  • Do you often feel overlooked, discounted, ignored or run over? 

  • Do you continue to stay around others who make you feel uncomfortable?

Abuse taught me that I belong to whoever wants a piece of me. 

But this is MY life. 

I didn't get my life back by asking for it back.

I didn't negotiate for it or wait for it.


I used to think I could somehow improve my relationships by simply waiting for change or complying. But I've learned that instead of waiting for someone else to change, I need to be the one to change.

Boundaries have been a huge part of that.
But how do you have healthy boundaries when you were taught "relationship" by dysfunctional people and abusive experiences?

How are you supposed to unlearn those unhealthy beliefs and self-defeating behaviors?
That’s why I’m excited to share this course with you!


what you'll get from the course:

  • clarity about what boundaries are + what they aren’t
  • the confidence to rid yourself of fear + guilt about setting boundaries 
  • the clarity to decide what boundaries to set (with a helpful detailed worksheet)
  • the boldness to communicate and maintain your boundaries
  • the courage to stand your ground and speak your voice
  • the actions that will lead to a life that is truly chosen, created and enjoyed by you!

The insights are PRACTICAL
They are SIMPLE
They are IMMEDIATELY actionable
They will TRANSFORM your relationships
They will TRANSFORM way you relate to yourself


​​​​​​​As a survivor of incest, sex trafficking and a 21-year long abusive marriage (now remarried to an emotionally healthy, loving and supportive man), I bring personal experience, empathy, and insight as well as professional training to help childhood sexual abuse survivors thrive.

I’m a Strategic Interventionist and Certified Professional Life Coach with a specialty Life Story certification. I'm also the CoFounder of Overcoming Sexual Abuse and author of The Rescued Soul. 

I’m honored to walk alongside courageous people ready to do the work necessary to go from surviving to flourishing. If you’re ready to release the limitations of abuse and embrace your freedom, power and joy, I’m thrilled to help.

​​​​​​​What others have experienced in the course:

“Christina and her boundaries course helped me make firm boundaries and act on the boundaries I already had placed in my heart. Life events happened during this course and it definitely gave me courage and confidence in them. I feel stronger and more grounded in myself now."

"The boundaries course has been really important to me. One of the lessons showed me where the major part of my suicidality came from. I broke down in a way that is powerful and rare... to go that deep. I am lately feeling how much all this has shifted me. I don't feel like the same person, especially for how depressed I was this time last year. My deep gratitude for what you do and what it took to get there too."

“NO is one of the hardest words for me to learn, but I am feeling better about saying NO. I have the RIGHT to say NO”. 

"I can't save everyone, but I can save myself. And the most powerful thing I've been taught here- is that you can be your own hero. Even if your legs are shaking and your voice is trembling, you can be your own hero."

"Sometimes, I forget that I am a human being with rights, and not an OBJECT.  I am getting stronger every day as I set boundaries with others. I have let go of many unhealthy friendships, and am working on unloading a few more."   

In this course, you'll gain the clarity and confidence to improve every relationship in your life--including the one with yourself!



I only offer resources that I whole-heartedly believe will bear excellent results. But you're a unique individual so you may not experience the results you were looking for.

All I ask is that you put in the work. If you don't put in the work, I'll guarantee you won't see results.

​​​​​​​But if you invest yourself by completing the lessons and participating in the chats and calls yet you are not thrilled with this course, simply email me your completed lessons at the end of the course and I'll refund your money. 

I'm taking the risk for you--because I believe in this course and I believe in you!

This is a complete learning experience for finally feeling secure and confident in your relationships!

You can get started RIGHT NOW by choosing the option that's best for you:

Boundaries for an Empowered Life
Online Course
See more details under the packages. 

 Course $347*

  • 12 video lessons
  • downloadable lessons in pdf format
  • actionable steps with each lesson
  • Q + A  audio based on lessons
  • bonus material including:
-how to navigate through conflict
-how to set boundaries when it feels like you don't have any power
-how to figure out what boundaries you need in each relationship you have

You'll have lifetime access to all the course material.

*payment plan available here

Buy Now (Instant Access)